This song is just beyond great! There's so many cool intricacies in it, and it's epic from start to finish! I think its sizable length is one of it's great strengths, as it makes the tonal shifts really feel more authentic. The violin and what sounds like choral AHHHH tones accompanied by the phat ominous bass in the first minute of the song are just... brilliant! The drop is amazing, particularly the parts at 1:30 and 1:50 that come in to cap it off. The after-drop is also really good, how it suddenly gets all quiet. I imagine it's like being in an underground cavern and something is sneaking up on you. Then the frantic DnB half-drop at 2:44 is amazing as well! It's like a boss fight, or a chase sequence. The piano that comes in after that at about 3:10 is hauntingly beautiful (I kinda wish we heard more of that melody) and then the build up to drop two just knocks it out of the park! Those ominous pauses where you just hear the violin strokes in between the bass parts are really suspenseful and they do a killer job of making you anticipate what comes next. And then drop two... WOW! It just takes everything great about the first one and accentuates it. So freaking good!!!! The synth at 4:57 carrying into 5:40 is also a really neat touch. And then finally, let's talk about that ending. The ending is stunning! I wish the song was even longer, because I could totally imagine an even MORE insane third drop after that. But I think it would be too much for mortal ears to handle.
All in all, easily the best Duocore song in my opinion. I remixed it recently, and I'm so glad I did. Being able to make something to complement a work of art as good as this song is, like, an incredible honor.